Assessment Center 好難過?
Assessment Center (AC) 可以話係大部份interviewees 的惡夢,因為玩法又多,大家又好少機會去練習。其實AC可以分為以下幾類 • Business Case Discussion • Role Play • Individual...
Phone- interview重要Info!!
咁最近HSBC (MT, Placement, Internship)就Kick Off左Online Test同埋Phone-in, 如果你黎緊有Phone-in 既話,就記住以下既Tips啦 如果有做過Phone-in既朋友都知道,個Interviewer既英文超級...
Tips for Phone Interview
1. Speak Slowly Interviewees should not speak too quickly as the interviewers normally have to type in their response for future...
Format of Phone Interview
A phone interview, in most cases, will be conducted after the online aptitude tests. HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, and Citibank are some...
Big 4
Is Big4 really a hell for fresh graduates? Why do so many people still want to get into hell then? Most business major undergraduates...