6 Tips sophomore students must know to strategically plan their career ahead
This week, we want to focus on what the freshmen and sophomore year students must do for smart career planning. 👩🎓👨🎓 As Year 1...
「How many traffic lights in Hong Kong?」 「What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it? 」 ✨好多時候係大公司Intern或者Grad...
iBank/Bank/FMCG/Property/Conglomerate 面試模我式有咩分別同問咩問題
iBank/Bank/FMCG/Property/Conglomerate面試模式有咩分別同問咩問題? 面試經驗較豐富既同學會知道其實唔同行業面試既重點同要求都唔同。如果同學仔你地黎緊係想報iBank/Bank/FMCG/Property/Conglomerate既就要...
有唔少同學仔係Undergrad既時候都會考一啲專業試,比較常見有CFA,主要用係銀行等金融行業。其實除左CFA,其它行業都有專門認證考試,例如ACCA ,CPA,ICA(AML),FRM等,而呢啲專業試對將來搵工同工作都有一定幫助。...
✨Tips and Tricks On How To Crack Company Events
This week we want to look at firm events like Insight day, Open day and company days like PwC Day to discuss why candidates must be well...